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SLI Annotations

Defines the SLI being used by an SLO.

// @sloth.sli error_query sum(rate(tenant_failed_login_operations_total{client="chat-gpt"}[{{.window}}])) OR on() vector(0)
// @sloth.sli total_query sum(rate(tenant_login_operations_total{client="chat-gpt"}[{{.window}}]))

Running sloscribe with the above annotations will generate the following sloth specification:

version: prometheus/v1
service: ...
labels: ...
- name: ...
description: ...
error_query: sum(rate(tenant_failed_login_operations_total{client="chat-gpt"}[{{.window}}])) OR on() vector(0)
total_query: sum(rate(tenant_login_operations_total{client="chat-gpt"}[{{.window}}]))

The SLI must be defined in the same comment group as where the was defined SLO.

// @sloth.slo name chat-gpt-availability
// @sloth.slo objective 95.0
// @sloth.sli error_query sum(rate(tenant_failed_login_operations_total{client="chat-gpt"}[{{.window}}])) OR on() vector(0)
// @sloth.sli total_query sum(rate(tenant_login_operations_total{client="chat-gpt"}[{{.window}}]))
// @sloth.slo description 95% of logins to the chat-gpt app should be successful.

Table of Annotations​

error_queryErrorQuery is a Prometheus query that will get the number/count of events that we consider that are bad for the SLO (e.g "http 5xx", "latency > 250ms"...). Requires the usage of {{.window}} template variable.@sloth.sli error_query sum(rate(tenant_failed_login_operations_total{client="chat-gpt"}[{{.window}}]))
total_queryTotalQuery is a Prometheus query that will get the total number/count of events for the SLO (e.g "all http requests"...). Requires the usage of {{.window}} template variable.@sloth.sli total_query sum(rate(tenant_login_operations_total{client="chat-gpt"}[{{.window}}]))
error_ratio_queryErrorRatioQuery is a Prometheus query that will get the raw error ratio (0-1) for the SLO@sloth.sli error_ratio_query

error_ratio_query cannot be present in the same SLI definition if error_query and total_query are also present.