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Alerting Annotations

Defines the alerting specification for a given SLO.

// @sloth.alerting name ChatGPTAvailability
// @sloth.alerting labels severity critical
// @sloth.alerting labels system backend
// @sloth.alerting annotations tier preemptive

Running sloscribe will generate the following alerting sloth specification:

version: prometheus/v1
service: ...
labels: ...
- name: ...
description: ...
name: ChatGPTAvailability
tier: preemptive
severity: critical
system: backend

When defining alerting you must also specify either ticket and/or page alerting.


The Alerting must be defined in the same comment group as where the was defined SLO.

// @sloth.slo name chat-gpt-availability
// @sloth.slo objective 95.0
// @sloth.alerting name ChatGPTAvailability
// @sloth.alerting labels severity critical
// @sloth.alerting labels system backend
// @sloth.alerting annotations tier preemptive
// @sloth.slo description 95% of logins to the chat-gpt app should be successful.
nameRequired. Name is the name used by the alerts generated for this SLO.@sloth.alerting name ChatGPTAvailability
labelsLabels are the Prometheus labels that will have all the alerts generated by this SLO.@sloth.alerting labels severity critical
annotationsAnnotations are the Prometheus annotations that will have all the alerts generated by this SLO.@sloth.alerting annotations runbook: ""

Page Alerting Annotations​

// labels severity critical
// tier preemptive
labelsLabels are the Prometheus labels for the specific alert. For example can be useful to route the Page alert to specific Slack labels severity critical
annotationsAnnotations are the Prometheus annotations for the specific annotations tier application

Ticket Alerting Annotations​

// @sloth.alerting.ticket labels severity critical
// @sloth.alerting.ticket annotations tier preemptive
labelsLabels are the Prometheus labels for the specific alert. For example can be useful to route the Page alert to specific Slack channel.@sloth.alerting.ticket labels severity critical
annotationsAnnotations are the Prometheus annotations for the specific alert.@sloth.alerting.ticket annotations tier application