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Docker 🐋

You can run sloscribe into your machine using docker.

This method won't install the binary in the host machine per se, but it will run the binary in a container.


To install the tool using this method you'll require:

  • Docker

Present on your host machine.

Running sloscribe with Nix

Simply run, in your terminal:

docker run docker

This gives you an ephemeral way to run sloscribe, so you can try out the tool without installing it.

Try it!

docker run docker --help

The binary should return something similar to:

Generate Sloth SLO/SLI definitions from code annotations.

sloscribe [command]

Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
init Init generates the Sloth definition specification from source code comments.
version Returns the binary build information.

-h, --help help for sloscribe
--log-level string Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [none, debug, info, warn], errors will always be printed (default "info")

Use "sloscribe [command] --help" for more information about a command.