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v0.1.0-alpha.2 ✅​

  • Add support for multiple Sloth service specifications. ✅
  • Improve test coverage. ✅
  • Update documentation. ✅
  • Add support for saving specifications to file, --to-file flag. ✅
  • Add support for specifying the service specification to output, with --service flag. ✅

v0.1.0-alpha.3 ✅​

  • Add installation script. ✅
  • Add github action. ✅
  • Fix build information injection for version command. ✅
  • Improve documentation. ✅
  • Launch documentation website. ✅
  • Update the service flag to handle multiple services as input. ✅
  • Add the --specification flag to allow sloscribe to parse for different specifications other than Sloth. ✅
  • Add support to parse sloth annotations and return Sloth kubernetes objects by passing sloth-k8s the --specification flag. ✅


  • Add support to allow multiple SLO definitions per comment group.
  • Better docs.
  • Better error handling.


  • Improve tests coverage
  • Add support to generate SLOs for Prometheus alert groups without Sloth.
    • Introduce a new annotation @prometheus.